One Story at a Time

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I love to hear the sound of my voice.

I discourse on the most interesting things.

Hush, how do you expect me to think

Through all of your chatter? 

I have never had a conversation;

I have not enough time or interest

 In anybody else’s song.

Monologue is more suitable to my nature.


I wonder of what I am afraid.

What would I reveal if I did not

Keep the volume of my song lifted high.

What is buried within my secret core

That I refuse to acknowledge?

I love to hear the sound of my voice.

I discourse on the most interesting things.


 I must always have the answer

For everything in life.

 I must always be the brightest,

The most intuitive,

Even if it is nonsense.

What is buried within my secret core?

I love to hear the sound of my voice.

I discourse on the most interesting things.


Hush I say.

How do you expect me to hear myself think

Through the clatter and clang of your noise?

Interrupt you, no I say, you interrupted me.

I was only pointing out where you were wrong.

I had barely gotten started on my discourse

When you so rudely interrupted me.

I love to hear the sound of my voice.

I discourse on the most interesting things.


I love to hear the sound of my voice.

I discourse on the most interesting things.

I teach, I preach, I prattle.

I am not always sure about what I say,

But I cannot endure to silence my song.

I wonder of what I am afraid.


I need to learn to shut my mouth.

It is just possible others have

Something of value to impart.

I love to hear the sound of my voice.

Tomorrow I will learn to shut my face.

